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At Kea, we understand the critical importance of effective Analyst Relations (AR). Our team comprises former associates from renowned analyst firms, seasoned AR managers from successful technology vendors, and experienced IT and business managers from large enterprises. This diverse expertise ensures our clients benefit from a proven track record of success and precise execution of their AR programs.

Our Outsourced Analyst Relations Service

Our service allows you to delegate your AR program to our skilled team, or we can serve as an extension of your in-house AR team. This approach provides a cost-effective solution while ensuring your company remains top-of-mind with key analyst firms.

Key Features of Our Programme:

  • Goal and Strategy Definition: Align AR goals and strategy with your overall business objectives.
  • Analyst Identification: Identify relevant analysts and categorise them into Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3.
  • Proactive Engagement: Initiate and manage interactions with target analysts to facilitate seamless information flow.
  • Meeting Coordination: Plan and organise face-to-face meetings, vendor/analyst briefings, event attendance, and analyst inquiries.
  • Briefing Preparation: Develop comprehensive briefing materials, including PowerPoint presentations involving executives, product management, and marketing communications.
  • Research Monitoring: Track upcoming research publications in your domain to ensure your company’s participation and visibility.
  • Questionnaire Support: Assist in completing research questionnaires to enhance your positioning in key publications like Magic Quadrants, Waves, Vendor Matrices, and MarketScapes.
  • Continuous Review: Regularly review and refine your AR strategy, positioning, and goals to ensure sustained effectiveness.

Deliverables at a Glance:

  • Define AR goals and strategies aligned with your business strategy.
  • Identify and categorise analysts from suitable firms.
  • Proactively engage analysts to facilitate information flow and interactions.
  • Schedule face-to-face meetings with analysts.
  • Monitor and ensure participation in relevant research publications.
  • Plan and track interactions, such as briefings and event attendance.
  • Develop and refine briefing materials involving key stakeholders.
  • Support research questionnaire participation for enhanced publication positioning.
  • Regularly review and update AR strategy for ongoing effectiveness.

By leveraging Kea’s Outsourced Analyst Relations service, you can ensure a robust and effective AR program that enhances your company’s visibility and positioning in the industry.