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Analyst Relations FAQ

1. What does an Analyst Relations programme entail?

An Analyst Relations programme involves a strategically managed series of interactions between a technology provider and members of the IT Industry Analyst Community. The primary objectives are to establish credibility and exert influence.

2. Who qualifies as ‘analysts’ in this context?

Analysts are individuals or firms engaged in researching and advising on the procurement, deployment, and usage of ICT-related products and services.

3. Why is Analyst Relations essential?

Engaging with analysts is crucial, given their influence over more than 50% of technology purchasing decisions. Additionally, they serve as key sources for media, and building relationships with them can result in increased visibility, expert insights, improved reputation, greater credibility, and enhanced decision-making.

4. When is the ideal time for a company to start working with analysts?

Early engagement with analysts is strongly recommended, especially for vendors aiming for heightened name recognition and substantial company growth.

5. Why should I take a proactive approach and not wait for analysts to reach out?

Proactively reaching out to analysts provides a strategic advantage by allowing you to influence their research with timely insights, thereby shaping their perspectives when needed.

6. What is meant by “tiering the analysts”?

Tiering involves categorising analysts based on their relevance to your specific requirements. Tier one analysts, for instance, have demonstrated direct customer contact and are willing to be leveraged for visible, marketable content such as social media posts and media quotes.

7. Why outsource Analyst Relations to Kea Company instead of managing it internally?

With over 75 years of combined Analyst Relations expertise, Kea Company recognises Analyst Relations as a dedicated profession. Outsourcing to Kea Company provides the advantage of their specialised knowledge and a comprehensive approach to building capabilities, sharpening skills, and ensuring strategic Analyst Relations through workshops, coaching, and training offerings.

Additional Questions:

  • How can a tailored Analyst Relations strategy contribute to success in specific industry verticals?
  • What role does Analyst Relations play in crisis management and reputation repair?
  • Can Kea Company assist in measuring the ROI of an Analyst Relations programme?
  • How does Kea Company stay updated with the latest trends and changes in the Analyst Relations landscape?
  • What are the key elements of a successful Analyst Relations outreach campaign?